+353 1 6724446 office@rjs.ie

Our Vision

is for access to restorative responses to crime in the maximum number of cases in Ireland with a view to,

in so far as possible, repairing the harm caused by crime, encouraging rehabilitation and reducing re-offending.

Our Mission

is to provide restorative options that best meet the needs of people affected by a crime,

including victims, offenders, their families and communities.

Our Reparation Programmes

We aim to raise or increase awareness and responsability of each part involved on the harm caused and reduce the risk of reoffending by participating offenders. When a victim is idenfiable and open to be contacted, they can also be heard and possibly benefit from the process.

  • Alcohol & Drugs awareness
  • Head & brain injury awareness
  • Minority & vulnerable groups awareness (seeking to provide in future)
  • Money Laundering awareness
  • Road Safety course
  • Victim & Offender Mediation

Lastest News

RJS was live on 23 November Celebrating ‘Restorative Justice Week’ and the theme of “Accessibility”

RJ for constructive impact on society

In our Strategic Plan 2020-2023 we aim for:

  • Quality and effectiveness of the service;
  • Improve accessibility of the service to meet victim, offender and community needs;
  • Improve communication and promotion awareness and understanding of services available for victims, offenders and community;
  • Ensure that RJS team is competent, resourced and supported to deliver quality services.


In 2021 – while recovering from COVID-19 Pandemic – had 187 new referral cases, and raised €11,670 donations to charities in Ireland through Reparation Programmes – which is a common element in RJ processes.

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Contact RJS

RJS | Restorative Justice Services

Marshalsea Court. 23 Merchants Quay,

Dublin 8 D08C6XP – Ireland

+353 1 6724446


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Marshalsea Court, 23 Merchants Quay